After login in on the app with itsme, Izimi opens on web browser

Sandra Ichtertz

When login in through itsme on the Izimi app, it can sometimes happen that your phone decided to open Izimi in your browser (Chrome or Safari) instead of continuing in the Izimi app itself. If you use iOS, you can open your browser and go to and in the top click on the banner that you want to open …

I can’t connect to Izimi or create my safe


This can be linked to your browser. We suggest you to try another browser like Chrome or Firefox. If the different browsers don’t work, it could be related to a problem with your browser’s “cache”. Here is the procedure to clear your browser cache:Pour Chrome : Firefox : Does the problem persist? Take a screenshot of the malfunction and contact or +32 (0) …

Which documents may I store on Izimi?


It is up to you to choose the documents to be stored in your electronic vault. You have freedom of choice. A restriction on the types of files has been integrated to guarantee your security. The following types of files are allowed: *.7z *.ai *.bmp *.csv *.doc *.docx *.gif *.gz *.heic *.jpg *.jpeg *.md *.odp *.ods *.odt *.pdf *.png *.ppt …

What can a notary do for me on Izimi?


At the time of your registration or, at a later point in time, you can designate the notary of your choice. At the start of notarial services, through the platform, the associated firm of your chosen notary will deal with the completion of your file. Bear in mind that you can change easily, at any time, the notary of your …

When I share a document with a notary, can all his employees see it?


Yes. When you select a notary of your choice, the notary’s associated firm is added as a contact. When your share your documents with this firm, each notary or clerk of that firm will be able to help you with the processing of your file. When Izimi offers you the possibility to exchange data with your notary’s firm, this shall …

What is done with my data?


As soon as you connect to Izimi and you begin uploading your documents, we encrypt them. That means that all data in transit are encrypted in a secure way. Sector standards apply for HTTPS and TLS encryption, i.e., the connection between your computer and Izimi is permanently secured. Izimi applies the same SSL encryption level as the safest sector to …

What ensures that the infrastructure is always secure?


Each document that you store in Izimi is split into small, encrypted fragments. All these small fragments are distributed over many disks, in such a way that if someone should take possession of a disk, even after centuries of decryption of fragments, it would still be impossible for anyone to access your documents, since they would only have tiny fragments. …