
The email address is a crucial element on the Izimi platform. It is the link that allows us to make contacts and communicate important information to you.

However, you can change your email address after creating your account.

Once logged in, the icon with your initials at the top of the screen allows you to manage your account. Via the “My Account” screen you will be able to change some of your account information.

In the field concerning your e-mail address, you will have to click on the symbol allowing you to make a modification, and will have to enter the new e-mail address twice, then validate.

When you change your e-mail address, you have to validate it again by means of the link received by e-mail. (If you do not find the “Validate your email” email in your mailbox, you can ask for this email to be sent back to you via the Send email verification request button or enter another email address).

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